
Reaction Network Monte Carlo

View the Project on GitHub BlauGroup/RNMC

GMC - Gillespie Monte Carlo

Implementation of Gillespie’s next reaction simulator appropriate for applications in a well mixed region. GMC has been used to study solid-electrolyte interphase (SEI) formation in Li-ion batteries.

As a starting point, a simple example of using GMC for homogeneous catalysis is shown in Examples.

Sqlite IO

Sqlite is used for input, output, and checkpointing. Before running GMC, two necessary .sqlite files must be generated - The Reaction Network Database and State Database. An example of Python code used to generate these files is available in the examples directory . Below is an outline of each .sqlite file and its necessary tables. Each .sqlite file must follow this format exactly.

The Reaction Network Database

There are two tables in the reaction network database both of which must be created and filled in by the user:

The State Database

There are five tables in the initial state database all of which must be created by the user:

Running GMC

To access the makefile, enter the GMC folder:

$ cd GMC

Next create an executable with the makefile. The executable will be located in the build folder.

$ make GMC

For further help on the makefile and to view other commands:

$ make help

GMC requires six input arguments (either step_cutoff or time_cutoff must be specified):

When running GMC ensure that your input file paths are correct considering the executable is inside the build folder. Below is an example of how GMC can be run using the input files inside the examples directory (here step_cutoff is specified):

build/GMC --reaction_database=examples/GMC/end-to-end-test/rn.sqlite --initial_state_database=examples/GMC/end-to-end-test/initial_state_copy.sqlite --number_of_simulations=1000 --base_seed=1000 --thread_count=8 --step_cutoff=200 --energy_budget=0 --checkpoint=1

Running this command does not generate any new files or directories but will populate the initial_state_database with trajectory data.